
Kick start your day with a good breakfast

Brown Sugar Glaze–A Reason to Get Up in the Morning!

Oh, Sally McKenney’s brown sugar glaze, studded with pecans…. When I roasted an acorn squash last night, I realized that I could make squash pancakes this morning and enjoy the glaze again!

roasted acorn squash

I puréed the squash last night. This morning, I mixed the  purée into a combination of ½  cup all-purpose flour, ¼ teaspoon of ground cinnamon, ¼ teaspoon of ground nutmeg, ½ teaspoon of baking powder and a wee pinch of salt. I added half an egg to bind it up, fried the batter in butter, and heated up the glaze. I poured a deep-brown stream of sweetness over these spicy pancakes for an absolutely decadent weekday breakfast. As soon as Sally’s Baking Addiction is published, I’ll bestow this glaze on you, I promise!

It's not easy to get this thick batter to cook through in the middle, but if you like squash, it still tastes good!

It’s not easy to get this thick batter to cook through in the middle, but if you like squash, it still tastes good!

TGIT–this humble little weekday never had it so good.

squash blossom

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